After breakfast, your guide will transfer you for your visit to Saqqara, this temple is aligned with god Thoth the enlightened communicator, the holy scribe and wisdom keeper which corresponds to the Throat chakra, the seat of the spirit, and the power of words. Starting our journey here will reinforce what we will learn from the ancient sciences that were clearly and explicitly practiced in Memphis. Saqqara is also associated with the lord Osiris, king of the hidden world and master of sacred knowledge.
We will learn about our bodies and the methods to treat them alchemically, we will discover how the ancients performed their rituals under the auspices of the lords of the other world and the forces of nature.
Saqqara opens the portal to communication, growth, and speaking one’s higher personal truth. This intuitive center is associated with the gift of teaching, communication, and cultural knowledge. Then we move northward arriving at Giza, The Sphinx is 'the soul star' pathway to accessing ancient knowledge through meditation, whereby seeing all things through an expanded place of awareness. Therefore, it is possible to see all things as they truly are with no questions or judgments. We will then move over to the Great Pyramid. As we connect with the energies here you will feel a sense that a doorway between dimensions is opening.
We will crawl through ancient passages in doing so we delve into the deepest corners of your soul. In Great Pyramid, we will learn about the most important principles of astronomy how the ancient Egyptians tracked the astronomical cycles of stars, planets, and the moon and how they understood the procession of the equinoxes, advanced mathematics, and astronomy. We will delve into the most important features of the astronomical cycles and how they are linked to the alchemy of the soul. To achieve balance between the two beloveds “the feminine and the masculine at the level of the body and soul, and how this is applied in practice and at the priesthood level. then we visit the papyrus museums where you will see how the ancient Egyptians made the papyrus which is still in use today.