Akhenaten (Echnaton)
eleventh king or queen of the Eighteenth Dynasty. He was known as Amenhotep IV before the fifth year of his reign.
In ancient Egyptian history, King Akhenaten is among the most divisive and mysterious rulers. In a lot of respects, including his religious convictions and creative approach, he was a pathfinder who broke with convention.

We shall examine King Akhenaten's life and legacy in this blog article. Continue reading to discover more about this intriguing person, from his formative years as the crown prince through his era as pharaoh and beyond. Amenhotep III and his queen Tiye gave birth to Akhenaten. While he was their firstborn royal son, he was not their firstborn son.
Princess Meritaten, his older sister, was born around three years earlier. The princesses Ankhesenpaaten and Neferneferuaten Tasherit were Akhenaten's younger sisters. Prince Smenkhkare, his younger brother, also existed. Egypt may be experienced in a number of ways, from Egypt culture tours to guided excursions to the country's most significant historical monuments.
When Akhenaten was nine or ten years old, he became the crown prince and heir to the throne. Amenhotep III had no living sons at that time, so Akhenaten was next in line for the throne. He was given the titles "Heir to the Throne" and "High Priest of the Aten." In addition, he became a general in the army and married his half-sister, Princess Ankhesenpaaten.
As crown prince, Akhenaten was responsible for worshiping the god Amun-Re and overseeing the construction of temples dedicated to Amun-Re's cult. He also officiated at festivals and ceremonies honoring Amun-Re and other Egyptian gods. However, there is evidence that Akhenaten began questioning traditional religious beliefs during his childhood or early adolescence.

When you think of Egypt, what images come to mind?
Egypt is a place with a rich and fascinating past. For centuries, it was one of the most powerful empires in the world. Its culture and art were influential throughout the region and beyond. Even today, Egypt’s history is still visible in its architecture, artifacts, and even in the way its people live their lives, check Egypt tours to explore this now.
You can learn about ancient Egyptian civilization at places like the Pyramids of Giza through Cairo day tours and the Valley of the Kings. You can see how Roman rule changed the country at sites like Pompey’s Pillar in Alexandria day tours. And you can explore Islamic Cairo to get a sense of how Egypt has evolved over time.
In the fifth year of his reign, Akhenaten abruptly discontinued all worship of Egypt's traditional gods and goddesses. He declared that henceforth only one god would be worshipped in Egypt: the A Early life King Akhenaten was born in 1353 BC to King Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye.He was the tenth son of his father, making him less likely to inherit the throne.
When Amenhotep III died in 1336 BC, Crown Prince Thutmose IV became king. It is possible that Akhenaten was not Thutmose's biological son; there is evidence that he may have been the product of an affair between Queen Tiye and a courtier named Aye. If this is true, it would explain why Akhenaten was not made crown prince when his father died. It is also possible that he was simply considered too young to rule at the time of his father's death. There are a number of different tours that offered byEgypt travel packages, Do you know that Tourism in Egypt dates back to antiquity, when travelers would come to experience the wonders of the Nile River through Egypt nile cruises tours and the ancient Egyptian civilizations that flourished along its banks
Regardless, he remained a powerful figure in the court even as a young man and married Princess Nefertiti when he was just sixteen years old. The couple had six daughters together, but no sons. This may have been due to Akhenaten's health problems; he suffered from a debilitating disease that caused deformities in his bones and teeth. It is also possible that Nefertiti was infertile, as there is no record of her bearing any children after her marriage to Akhenaten. In any case, the lack of a male heir meant that when Akhenaten died, there was no clear successor to the throne.
Whether you’re interested in ancient history or modern times, there’s an Egypt trips out there that will suit your interests. So why not start planning your trip today?